Orthodontic Emergencies

What is an orthodontic emergency?

How to handle an orthodontic emergency

Need a new Retainer

We can make you a new retainer if yours has been lost, broken or has just worn out. Clear Invisalign like retainers (Essix) or tradional Hawley (wire type) are avalible. We can also bond/cement a non-removable retainer to the back of the lower or upper front teeth if your bite allows.

You can also have retainers made by Invisalign if you desire.

Just Moved

Do you currently have braces, or decided to put off treatment till after your move? We can help. Transferring to a new office can be a hassle, we can make it easier. We will work with you and your previous orthodontist regarding fees and finishing your current treatment.

You can start the process by printing or e-mailing the forms that you will need. Then, give us a call today, so your treatment is not delayed.